Fertility & Pregnancy

5 Tips to a More Fertile You

By NATURA Magazine. 27 Jan 2014

Dr Ann Tan of the Women and Fetal Centre prescribes simple steps that both men and women can take to help boost their fertility:

Tip 1:

Eat right and take prenatal supplements to reduce the risk of foetal abnormalities and to improve the quality of the eggs and sperms.

Tip 2:

Plan to conceive in your early reproductive life instead of at the end to avoid disappointment and desperation.

Tip 3:

If the woman has regular periods, calculate her fertile period and try to have sex during that period. Use an ovulation predictor kit to assist.

Tip 4:

If there is no pregnancy after having intercourse during the woman’s fertile period for six months to a year, consider seeking assistance from a fertility doctor.

Tip 5:

Should the man have a fertility issue, then IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) or IVF can be considered, depending on the semen analysis.

Photo courtesy of Thinkstock. This article first appeared in NATURA magazine issue No.6. Find NATURA at Eu Yan Sang retail outlets, newsstands and major bookstores in Singapore.