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Eu Yan Sang Wild Yunzhi Powder Extract Capsules helps to enhance the body's immunity and boost vitality.
Eu Yan Sang Wild Yunzhi Powder Extract Capsules is derived from natural wild Yunzhi. Eu Yan Sang uses advanced technolofy to extract the essence of wild Yunzhi plants while preserving its natural properties and potency of its rich polysaccharide content.
Yunzhi has been used for centuries to supplement the body system. Regular use helps to improve the functions of the liver and respiratory system and to supplement the body after illness.
Each capsules contains:
Wild Yunzhi (Coriolus versicolor) Powder Extract 100% (Equivalent to raw Coriolus versicolor 2.4g)
Suitable For:
People recuperating from physical exhaustion, prolonged illness & chronic diseases.
Quality Assurance:
Wild Yunzhi Powder Extract
Recommended Dosage:
For Maintenance - Take 1 - 2 capsules once or twice daily
Helpful for Post Illness Recovery - Take 3 - 4 capsules twice daily
Helpful for Post Serious Illness Recovery - Take 5 capsules twice daily
To be taken with lukewarm water before meals. When used as a treatment, the above dosage can be adjusted to the physical conditions or under the guidance of a physician.
Store in a cool, dry place below 30 degrees. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children
Pregnant woman and children should consult a physician before use.
No known side effects.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese Medicine, Coriolus Versicolor (Yunzhi or “Turkey-Tail” mushroom) is useful for dispelling heat, removing toxins, strengthening physique, increasing vital energy, enhancing immunity and promoting longevity if consumed regularly. Commercial products derived from this medicinal mushroom are widely available and indicated for various types of cancers, chronic hepatitis and infections of respiratory tract. Protein-bound polysaccharides, PSK and PSP, isolated from Coriolus Versicolor, are intensively studied by many research institutes and found to be immune-enhancing and effective against tumour cells. No mutagenic or cytotoxic effects were detected with high doses of Coriolus Versicolor extracts.
Pharmacological functions1, 2:
1. Effects on the immune system
a. Immune-enhancing actions via activation of immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes and production of antibodies and cytokines
2. Anti-tumor effects
a. Selective cytotoxic activity against certain tumour cell-lines3
b. Immuno-potentiation
3. Antimicrobial and anti-virus functions4
1. KK Chu, SS Ho, AH Chow. Coriolus versicolor: a medicinal mushroom with promising immunotherapeutic values. Journal of Clin Pharm. 2002, 42:976-984
2. J Cui, Y Chisti. Polysaccharopeptides of Coriolus Versicolor: Physiological activity, uses and production. Biotechnology Adv 2003, 21:109-122
3. Yang QY, Jong SC, Li XY, Zhou JX, Chen RT, Xu LZ. Antitumor and immunomodulating activities of the polysaccharide-peptide (PSP) of Coriolus Versicolor. J Immunol Immunopharmcol 1992a, 12:29-34
4. R.A Collins, TB Ng. Polysaccharopeptide from Coriolus Versicolor has potential for use against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 infection. Life Sciences 1997, 60(25):383-387
Yunzhi is a powerful medicinal mushroom that has been used alongside cancer treatments