纯冬虫夏草 (30 胶囊)

Item No. 888842522125

纯冬虫夏草 (30 胶囊)

888842522125 - 30x500毫克 粒/瓶
4.2 out of 5 Customer Rating


  • 补充体力、消除疲劳    
  • 强身健体、改善呼吸系统功能    
  • 增强免疫系统
  • 100% 适合素食者服用


余仁生纯冬虫夏草的主要成份为中华被毛孢,一种经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)鉴定,与野生冬虫夏草的基因相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体。


余仁生纯冬虫夏草™能通过增加身体内的 ATP(三磷酸腺苷)含量来增进体力和活力

什么是 ATP? 

ATP 是存在每个身体细胞内的高能分子1。它们就像肌肉中的电池,可以供给身体机能运转所需的一切能量。

从简单的眨眼动作,到复杂的细胞生长和新陈代谢等活动,都需要靠 ATP 来执行这些任务。

人们身体内的 ATP 含量会随着年纪增长而下降,引起疲劳症状


所有这些都可归咎于人体老化的主因2,即 ATP 含量不足――其中可能是因为身体制造 ATP 的效率不如从前,或是因为现在要执行简单的动作必需消耗比从前多的 ATP。

请想像您身体的电池寿命正在缓慢持续的衰退!当 ATP 含量偏低时,身体的能量水平就会下降,导致疲劳症的发生,让我们就连执行简单的日常任务,也会觉得疲倦困怠。再者,我们的免疫力也会下降,并更容易生病。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™蕴含野生冬虫夏草精华,能增加体内细胞的 ATP 含量,增强体力

纯冬虫夏草含有可有效补充 ATP‘电力’的超级酵素,而研究显示口服纯冬虫夏草即可显着提升各重要器官(如心脏3和肝脏4)组织内的 ATP 含量。

由于 ATP 可改变细胞的能量状态,因此不会有咖啡或能量饮料带来的咖啡因和糖份后遗症,增强活力的效果能够更为持久。


  • 补肾益肺
  • 补充体力、增强活力、消除疲劳
  • 提升免疫功能



  • 即可空腹服用。
  • 为方便儿童服用,可将胶囊打开并加入食物或饮料中以摄取全面营养。


  • 保健:

         - 年齡 3- 6: 每日半粒

         - 年齡 7- 12: 每日一粒

         - 12 歲以上 / 成人每日兩粒 

  • 體力補充: 

         - 年齡 3- 6: 每次半粒, 每日兩次

         - 年齡 7- 12: 每次一粒, 每日兩次

         - 12 歲以上 / 成人每次兩粒, 每日兩次


  • 上班族 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可为在工作奔波忙碌的上班族补充体力
  • 视工作为优先的企业尖兵 / 生活紧张忙碌、经常熬夜的现代人: 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可为他们提供在工作中时刻保持领先所需的体力和活力
  • 活力长者 / 学生 / 运动员 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可增加他们的体,过着充满活力的生活
  • 素食者 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草為素食者友善


  • 请置于30°C以下阴凉干爽处。避免阳光直接照射。
  • 避免孩童可触及的地方。


1资料来源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenosine_triphosphate

2Hwang AB, Jeong DE, Lee SJ. Mitochondria and organismal longevity. Curr Genomics. 2012 Nov;13(7):519-32.

3Siu K. M, Mak D. H, Chiu P. Y, Poon M. K, Du Y, Ko K. M. Pharmacological basis of “Yin-nourishing” and “Yang-invigorating” actions of Cordyceps, a Chinese tonifying herb. Life Sci. 2004;76:385–95.

4Sheng Yuan Wan, Ming Shi Shiao. Pharmacological Functions of Chinese Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps Sinesis and Related Species. J.Food and Drug Analysis, 2000;8(4):248-257

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™蕴含野生冬虫夏草精华 - 中华被毛孢,是天然的健康补品。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™的主要成份为中华被毛孢,一种经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)鉴定,与野生冬虫夏草的基因相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体。

冬虫夏草在全球有超过 400 个品种,其中只有中华被毛孢经验证具有野生冬虫夏草特有的活性成分――这在 2001 年经科学家确认并进一步获得《中华人民共和国药典》的认可。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™选用种植于最适合虫草生长的天然环境,并且基因鉴定与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体,并采用最先进的纯化生物技术制作而成,可确保产品的纯净度和质量一致性,以及保留具有更高生物活性的成份。


  • 每粒胶囊含有 500 毫克的 100% 冬虫夏草(中华被毛孢)
  • 基因与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645%
  • 我们通过严格控管种植条件和突破性的萃取方法来确保中华被毛孢的质量和功效,而非以虫草、重草酸或多糖体含量作为指标,因为这些都是可以用掺假的方式伪造的
  • 不含防腐剂    
  • 不含杂质和色素
  • 素食者适用



3-6 岁

7-12 岁

12 岁以上/成人


每日 0.5 粒

每日 1 粒

每日 2 粒


每日两次,每次 0.5 粒

每日两次,每次 1 粒

每日两次,每次 2 粒





















纯冬虫夏草™严格复制野生冬虫夏草的天然栖息环境,使之能保留与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645% 的纯正中华被毛孢的活性成份。


藉此,我们取得制作纯冬虫夏草™所需的,与野生冬虫夏草基因相似度达 99.645% 的中华被毛孢纯正菌种。此事实已经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)――比对纯冬虫夏草™与储存在全球基因数据库中的 DNA 序列――鉴定确认。

Hirsutella sinensis genetic mapping





Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product & service Thanks to the lady staff at Junction 8 store, we bought 4 boxes x 90s for our parents. We hope to improve their immunity and health.
Date published: 2024-11-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps Very good and backpacking is good will purchase again next time
Date published: 2024-11-17
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Helpful products I've been consuming Pure cordyseps for many years, and I'm glad that my body resistance especially lung are good, rarely get infected by illness.
Date published: 2024-11-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent product I tried this product after coughing non stop for 1 months. It stopped my cough and improve my breathing.
Date published: 2024-10-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from My favorite product I had taken this since 2022, initially l brought 6 boxes after consuming for about 1 year l found it help me to boost my health to another level. From 2024 l started to purchased in carton which is 24 boxes. A product that never let me down. Fantastic supplement
Date published: 2024-10-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Review purchase for my mum. She has been taking it regularly and observe that this do helps in maintaining her immune system.
Date published: 2024-10-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great supplement This is my second time buying after finished the first bottle I felt energetic throughout the day after consume it
Date published: 2024-10-12
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good product, help to improve health condition I bought this since a year old for my parents. Good products which helps to improve their health and immunity.
Date published: 2024-10-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Bought this product as I have been coughing alot and it does work well .
Date published: 2024-09-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great for building up immunity I got this as a gift from a relative and upon the first few days of taking this supplements, I feel more energised and has better sleep quality. This is great as I am able to achieve more in a day ie morning exercise and light stroll in the evening.
Date published: 2024-09-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps 90 This is my repeated purchase and been taking this 3 months ago. I felt more alert and less tired now.
Date published: 2024-09-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good buy Recently bough 1 bottle and found it useful Will buy more
Date published: 2024-09-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best for any respiratory issue I was recently have positive covid and have severe symptoms, having these cordysep 2x a day really help me to recover very fast and bye bye the annoying cough
Date published: 2024-09-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Review of Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps (30 capsules) The product has proven to be effective in boosting my stamina and vitality. Highly recommended.
Date published: 2024-09-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Cordyceps was very effective Bought this to help post Covid recovery and was very effective and good. Nourish the lungs and helps the cough very much. Highly recommended!
Date published: 2024-08-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps 100% Hirsutella Sinensis great energy products. I took two Capsules of pure cordyceps every morning to boost up my energy level and improve stamina before starting a the day. I don’t fill tired easily like before taking this great products👍😘
Date published: 2024-08-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps this pure cordyceps is very effective and happy that it helps to boost the lung
Date published: 2024-07-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent Discount at 46% per 30 caps bottle! I just bought a few bottles of the 30caps/bot of pure cordyceps! Not only was the said product on offer, each bottle has a long shelf life of up to Sep 2025! Excellent promo!
Date published: 2024-07-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Natural Health Supplement Been consuming cordyceps for many years. Great product for good body immunity.
Date published: 2024-07-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps helps to give me energy. I am glad to purchase 5 bottles with crazy sales. I will continue to take for health building.
Date published: 2024-07-12
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Capsule I bought the Pure Cordyceps Capsule few months ago. Very good!, It helps my immune system. Improve my respiratory & give.me more stamina! Should have promotion frequent!
Date published: 2024-07-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Repeated purchase Had been taking this for past 1 year, helped to improve energy, and lesser fatigue
Date published: 2024-06-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Compact! Always bring it during travel Have always buying this product it helps my daily hectic life previously and weak immune system .
Date published: 2024-06-15
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps 90s x1 I went to takashimaya and bought this at the members price.... As the staff is approachable snd friendly I enjoy the experience
Date published: 2024-06-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Cordycep supplement Have been buying this for my children for a while now. Works well for them especially when they are feeling under the weather. Seems to help with cough too. Recommended
Date published: 2024-06-09
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Amazing! Was recommended by a friend to try this out to boost energy levels. Felt less fatigue after consuming of these!
Date published: 2024-06-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Recommended by friend who bought and eat after covid.
Date published: 2024-06-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product Second time buying for loved one. No herbal smell and effective in building immunity.
Date published: 2024-05-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product for health Have been taking this for years and even my kids are taking this regularly for health supplement.
Date published: 2024-04-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product at great price I saw the weekend offer and decided to try this product after looking at the great ingredients that it contains. Very good for lingering dry itchy cough as it can slowly but surely build up our immunity
Date published: 2024-04-11
  • y_2025, m_2, d_18, h_5
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  • clientName_euyansang
  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getReviews, 7ms
  • reviews, product


My mum who is 70 years old has early parkinson, can she take this? Will this help in her illness?

Asked by: jane_q
Parkison's is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that eventually affects movement. Over the years, there have been subtle hints that unbalanced immune function has a link to Parkinson's diease. Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement that can be consumed on a daily basis. It has the benefit of boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity.
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2023-01-08

Can this be taken together with multivitamin?

Asked by: workingmom
Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement, which help with boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity. It can be taken on a regular daily basis, together with a multivitamin, for the maintenance of good health. It is recommended to consume Pure Cordyceps™ or any Chinese Medication 2.5 hours apart to reduce the possibility of herb-drug interactions
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2024-07-13

I currently take lingzhi plus capsule every morning. Can I take pure cordyceps together? Alternatively, can I take pure cordyceps before bedtime? Will it cause insomnia?

Asked by: Anonymous
Both supplements can be taken at the same time in the morning. Lingzhi Plus Capsules focuses more on strengthening immunity, promoting restful sleep and improving blood circulation and blood pressure. Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement, which helps with boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity. As you may feel significantly more energetic, it is recommended to consume during the day, preferrably on an empty stomach.
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2015-02-05

I am planning to buy 2 boxes of Pure Cordyceps. When is the expiry date Pure Cordyceps?

Asked by: Wei Sheng
The shelf life for Pure Cordyceps is 2 years. We guarantee a minimum 18 months shelf life on all our supplements at time of purchase on our eStore.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2015-02-05

Hi there, May i know if pregnancy women is safe to take this Pure Cordyceps?

Asked by: Katie
There has been no reported side effects of consuming cordyceps during pregnancy.When in doubt, we recommend that you consult your physician/doctor before embarking on a course of Pure Cordyceps, or any other herbal supplement.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2015-01-16

hi, whats the duration like i keep between tea/coffee and the dose? I usually have either coffee or tea first thing in the morning.

Asked by: designer
As coffee and tea are stimulants, they make everything move through the gastrointestinal tract more quickly than usual, and this increased speed may hamper the body's ability to absorb all the nutrients your supplement has to offer. The caffeine found inside tea and coffee may also destroy the bioavailability of the active ingredients inside the supplement. Thus, it is recommended to wait at least 10-15 minutes after you have finished your cup of coffee/tea beverage, so the effects of caffeine are decreased, before consuming a supplement. Alternatively, you may consume Pure Cordyceps with warm water first thing in the morning before consuming your coffee/tea 10 - 15 minutes later.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2024-06-17

I am interested in the pure cordycepes and would like to check can 2.5yrs old boy take this? It is stated that we can put in food and beverages. So it is alright to put into cooked food like porridge, soup or rice? Will the benefit be the same? 

Asked by: Lingz
For children between the ages of 3-6 years old, the suggested serving would be 0.5 capsules once daily (for mantainence) or 0.5 capsules twice daily (for stamina). It is recommended to start on the maintenance mode for 2 weeks before increasing the dosage gradually. For young children whom are unreluctant or have difficulty in swallowing capsules, opening the Pure Cordyceps™ capsule and sprinkling its contents over food is a great way to include the supplement into their diet and enjoy its full benefits. The taste of Pure Cordyceps™ powder is pleasant and mildly sweet.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2014-11-12

Hi, can this product result in heatiness in one's body? I have a heaty body constitution & cannot take products which are heaty in nature. Also I have eczema skin problem so cannot let my body be too heaty. Thanks!

Asked by: macross_78
There are no known side effects to consuming Pure Cordyceps™.  Most users will not experience any signs when taking this product for the first time.   However, due to the different body constitution, some users may experience detoxification symptoms initially as Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural modulatory agent. These symptoms may include constant thirst, dizziness, slight headache, constipation, pimples or ulcers, etc.   If you experience detoxification symptoms,  stop using the product for a few days or until symptoms subside. After symptoms subside, you may continue with half the dosage that you have been consuming and gradually increase the dosage.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2023-06-07

Hi there, may I know will this type of cordyceps causes or triggered body heatiness? Or its cooling in nature? Thanks!

Asked by: CY2023

Hi there, I would like to clarify if the Cordyceps are cultivated on insects or animal matter, thanks!

Asked by: Anon

Is the discounted national day price available if i purchase it in stores?

Asked by: Vivian

Can i take cordyseps and probiotic together

Asked by: Beyx2

Hi, can I know the different between Pure cordceps 100% Hirsutella Sinensis and Sinensis Mycelia?

Asked by: tktotts

is it 90 x 500 mg capsules or only 30 x 500 mg capsules as advertised?

Asked by: Dave

How much calories do 1 capsule of En Yan Seng Pure Cordyceps contains?

Asked by: kent2612

Hi I'm 34 years old this year. May i ask what is the best time to consume this? Twice daily in the morning with empty stomach? Is it recommended for elderly too? Thanks

Asked by: Joey

What are the diff btw Lingzhi Cracked Spores Powder Capsules and Pure Cordyceps? Which one to go for for maintenance of health for 50 yrs old man?

Asked by: Seeking Help

Hi, may I know when will this product restock?

Asked by: Pei Wen

My son, 3 years old often falls sick. Down with cough, mucus and occasionally fever for no reason. We suspect is sensitive airways. Any products suitable? For example cordyceps? Can he take while he is also having fever and consuming western medicine?

Asked by: Evan

I have a brand new bottle but it says expired in 2022.04.29. Can i still take? Or i must throw? Its a brand new bottle

Asked by: Sunny

Hi, can I still consume this product 5-6 months after stated expiry date? Not sure if it's a use-by date or best-before date.

Asked by: Jing

Can cordyceps be taken before bedtime?

Asked by: Veron

May i know when should i consume the pure cordyceps? after lunch ? before breakfast or anytime?

Asked by: tingfong

Can pure cordyceps mix with milk? My kid is 7yo and usually will drink milk in morning.

Asked by: Sach888
  • y_2025, m_2, d_17, h_9CST
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  • clientName_euyansang
  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getContent, 15ms
  • questions, product


余仁生纯冬虫夏草的主要成份为中华被毛孢,一种经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)鉴定,与野生冬虫夏草的基因相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体。


余仁生纯冬虫夏草™能通过增加身体内的 ATP(三磷酸腺苷)含量来增进体力和活力

什么是 ATP? 

ATP 是存在每个身体细胞内的高能分子1。它们就像肌肉中的电池,可以供给身体机能运转所需的一切能量。

从简单的眨眼动作,到复杂的细胞生长和新陈代谢等活动,都需要靠 ATP 来执行这些任务。

人们身体内的 ATP 含量会随着年纪增长而下降,引起疲劳症状


所有这些都可归咎于人体老化的主因2,即 ATP 含量不足――其中可能是因为身体制造 ATP 的效率不如从前,或是因为现在要执行简单的动作必需消耗比从前多的 ATP。

请想像您身体的电池寿命正在缓慢持续的衰退!当 ATP 含量偏低时,身体的能量水平就会下降,导致疲劳症的发生,让我们就连执行简单的日常任务,也会觉得疲倦困怠。再者,我们的免疫力也会下降,并更容易生病。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™蕴含野生冬虫夏草精华,能增加体内细胞的 ATP 含量,增强体力

纯冬虫夏草含有可有效补充 ATP‘电力’的超级酵素,而研究显示口服纯冬虫夏草即可显着提升各重要器官(如心脏3和肝脏4)组织内的 ATP 含量。

由于 ATP 可改变细胞的能量状态,因此不会有咖啡或能量饮料带来的咖啡因和糖份后遗症,增强活力的效果能够更为持久。


  • 补肾益肺
  • 补充体力、增强活力、消除疲劳
  • 提升免疫功能



  • 即可空腹服用。
  • 为方便儿童服用,可将胶囊打开并加入食物或饮料中以摄取全面营养。


  • 保健:

         - 年齡 3- 6: 每日半粒

         - 年齡 7- 12: 每日一粒

         - 12 歲以上 / 成人每日兩粒 

  • 體力補充: 

         - 年齡 3- 6: 每次半粒, 每日兩次

         - 年齡 7- 12: 每次一粒, 每日兩次

         - 12 歲以上 / 成人每次兩粒, 每日兩次


  • 上班族 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可为在工作奔波忙碌的上班族补充体力
  • 视工作为优先的企业尖兵 / 生活紧张忙碌、经常熬夜的现代人: 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可为他们提供在工作中时刻保持领先所需的体力和活力
  • 活力长者 / 学生 / 运动员 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草可增加他们的体,过着充满活力的生活
  • 素食者 : 余仁生纯冬虫夏草為素食者友善


  • 请置于30°C以下阴凉干爽处。避免阳光直接照射。
  • 避免孩童可触及的地方。


1资料来源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenosine_triphosphate

2Hwang AB, Jeong DE, Lee SJ. Mitochondria and organismal longevity. Curr Genomics. 2012 Nov;13(7):519-32.

3Siu K. M, Mak D. H, Chiu P. Y, Poon M. K, Du Y, Ko K. M. Pharmacological basis of “Yin-nourishing” and “Yang-invigorating” actions of Cordyceps, a Chinese tonifying herb. Life Sci. 2004;76:385–95.

4Sheng Yuan Wan, Ming Shi Shiao. Pharmacological Functions of Chinese Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps Sinesis and Related Species. J.Food and Drug Analysis, 2000;8(4):248-257

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™蕴含野生冬虫夏草精华 - 中华被毛孢,是天然的健康补品。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™的主要成份为中华被毛孢,一种经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)鉴定,与野生冬虫夏草的基因相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体。

冬虫夏草在全球有超过 400 个品种,其中只有中华被毛孢经验证具有野生冬虫夏草特有的活性成分――这在 2001 年经科学家确认并进一步获得《中华人民共和国药典》的认可。

余仁生纯冬虫夏草™选用种植于最适合虫草生长的天然环境,并且基因鉴定与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645% 的冬虫夏草菌丝体,并采用最先进的纯化生物技术制作而成,可确保产品的纯净度和质量一致性,以及保留具有更高生物活性的成份。


  • 每粒胶囊含有 500 毫克的 100% 冬虫夏草(中华被毛孢)
  • 基因与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645%
  • 我们通过严格控管种植条件和突破性的萃取方法来确保中华被毛孢的质量和功效,而非以虫草、重草酸或多糖体含量作为指标,因为这些都是可以用掺假的方式伪造的
  • 不含防腐剂    
  • 不含杂质和色素
  • 素食者适用



3-6 岁

7-12 岁

12 岁以上/成人


每日 0.5 粒

每日 1 粒

每日 2 粒


每日两次,每次 0.5 粒

每日两次,每次 1 粒

每日两次,每次 2 粒





















纯冬虫夏草™严格复制野生冬虫夏草的天然栖息环境,使之能保留与野生冬虫夏草相似度达 99.645% 的纯正中华被毛孢的活性成份。


藉此,我们取得制作纯冬虫夏草™所需的,与野生冬虫夏草基因相似度达 99.645% 的中华被毛孢纯正菌种。此事实已经由 rDNA 序列分析(ITS 1、ITS 2 和 5.85rDNA)――比对纯冬虫夏草™与储存在全球基因数据库中的 DNA 序列――鉴定确认。

Hirsutella sinensis genetic mapping





Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product & service Thanks to the lady staff at Junction 8 store, we bought 4 boxes x 90s for our parents. We hope to improve their immunity and health.
Date published: 2024-11-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps Very good and backpacking is good will purchase again next time
Date published: 2024-11-17
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Helpful products I've been consuming Pure cordyseps for many years, and I'm glad that my body resistance especially lung are good, rarely get infected by illness.
Date published: 2024-11-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent product I tried this product after coughing non stop for 1 months. It stopped my cough and improve my breathing.
Date published: 2024-10-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from My favorite product I had taken this since 2022, initially l brought 6 boxes after consuming for about 1 year l found it help me to boost my health to another level. From 2024 l started to purchased in carton which is 24 boxes. A product that never let me down. Fantastic supplement
Date published: 2024-10-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Review purchase for my mum. She has been taking it regularly and observe that this do helps in maintaining her immune system.
Date published: 2024-10-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great supplement This is my second time buying after finished the first bottle I felt energetic throughout the day after consume it
Date published: 2024-10-12
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good product, help to improve health condition I bought this since a year old for my parents. Good products which helps to improve their health and immunity.
Date published: 2024-10-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Bought this product as I have been coughing alot and it does work well .
Date published: 2024-09-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great for building up immunity I got this as a gift from a relative and upon the first few days of taking this supplements, I feel more energised and has better sleep quality. This is great as I am able to achieve more in a day ie morning exercise and light stroll in the evening.
Date published: 2024-09-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps 90 This is my repeated purchase and been taking this 3 months ago. I felt more alert and less tired now.
Date published: 2024-09-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good buy Recently bough 1 bottle and found it useful Will buy more
Date published: 2024-09-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best for any respiratory issue I was recently have positive covid and have severe symptoms, having these cordysep 2x a day really help me to recover very fast and bye bye the annoying cough
Date published: 2024-09-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Review of Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps (30 capsules) The product has proven to be effective in boosting my stamina and vitality. Highly recommended.
Date published: 2024-09-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Cordyceps was very effective Bought this to help post Covid recovery and was very effective and good. Nourish the lungs and helps the cough very much. Highly recommended!
Date published: 2024-08-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps 100% Hirsutella Sinensis great energy products. I took two Capsules of pure cordyceps every morning to boost up my energy level and improve stamina before starting a the day. I don’t fill tired easily like before taking this great products👍😘
Date published: 2024-08-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps this pure cordyceps is very effective and happy that it helps to boost the lung
Date published: 2024-07-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent Discount at 46% per 30 caps bottle! I just bought a few bottles of the 30caps/bot of pure cordyceps! Not only was the said product on offer, each bottle has a long shelf life of up to Sep 2025! Excellent promo!
Date published: 2024-07-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Natural Health Supplement Been consuming cordyceps for many years. Great product for good body immunity.
Date published: 2024-07-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps helps to give me energy. I am glad to purchase 5 bottles with crazy sales. I will continue to take for health building.
Date published: 2024-07-12
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Capsule I bought the Pure Cordyceps Capsule few months ago. Very good!, It helps my immune system. Improve my respiratory & give.me more stamina! Should have promotion frequent!
Date published: 2024-07-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Repeated purchase Had been taking this for past 1 year, helped to improve energy, and lesser fatigue
Date published: 2024-06-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Compact! Always bring it during travel Have always buying this product it helps my daily hectic life previously and weak immune system .
Date published: 2024-06-15
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps 90s x1 I went to takashimaya and bought this at the members price.... As the staff is approachable snd friendly I enjoy the experience
Date published: 2024-06-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Cordycep supplement Have been buying this for my children for a while now. Works well for them especially when they are feeling under the weather. Seems to help with cough too. Recommended
Date published: 2024-06-09
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Amazing! Was recommended by a friend to try this out to boost energy levels. Felt less fatigue after consuming of these!
Date published: 2024-06-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps Recommended by friend who bought and eat after covid.
Date published: 2024-06-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product Second time buying for loved one. No herbal smell and effective in building immunity.
Date published: 2024-05-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product for health Have been taking this for years and even my kids are taking this regularly for health supplement.
Date published: 2024-04-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product at great price I saw the weekend offer and decided to try this product after looking at the great ingredients that it contains. Very good for lingering dry itchy cough as it can slowly but surely build up our immunity
Date published: 2024-04-11
  • y_2025, m_2, d_18, h_5
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My mum who is 70 years old has early parkinson, can she take this? Will this help in her illness?

Asked by: jane_q
Parkison's is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that eventually affects movement. Over the years, there have been subtle hints that unbalanced immune function has a link to Parkinson's diease. Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement that can be consumed on a daily basis. It has the benefit of boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity.
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2023-01-08

Can this be taken together with multivitamin?

Asked by: workingmom
Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement, which help with boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity. It can be taken on a regular daily basis, together with a multivitamin, for the maintenance of good health. It is recommended to consume Pure Cordyceps™ or any Chinese Medication 2.5 hours apart to reduce the possibility of herb-drug interactions
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2024-07-13

I currently take lingzhi plus capsule every morning. Can I take pure cordyceps together? Alternatively, can I take pure cordyceps before bedtime? Will it cause insomnia?

Asked by: Anonymous
Both supplements can be taken at the same time in the morning. Lingzhi Plus Capsules focuses more on strengthening immunity, promoting restful sleep and improving blood circulation and blood pressure. Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement, which helps with boosting energy levels, improving stamina, respiratory functions and also increasing immunity. As you may feel significantly more energetic, it is recommended to consume during the day, preferrably on an empty stomach.
Answered by: EUYANSANG
Date published: 2015-02-05

I am planning to buy 2 boxes of Pure Cordyceps. When is the expiry date Pure Cordyceps?

Asked by: Wei Sheng
The shelf life for Pure Cordyceps is 2 years. We guarantee a minimum 18 months shelf life on all our supplements at time of purchase on our eStore.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2015-02-05

Hi there, May i know if pregnancy women is safe to take this Pure Cordyceps?

Asked by: Katie
There has been no reported side effects of consuming cordyceps during pregnancy.When in doubt, we recommend that you consult your physician/doctor before embarking on a course of Pure Cordyceps, or any other herbal supplement.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2015-01-16

hi, whats the duration like i keep between tea/coffee and the dose? I usually have either coffee or tea first thing in the morning.

Asked by: designer
As coffee and tea are stimulants, they make everything move through the gastrointestinal tract more quickly than usual, and this increased speed may hamper the body's ability to absorb all the nutrients your supplement has to offer. The caffeine found inside tea and coffee may also destroy the bioavailability of the active ingredients inside the supplement. Thus, it is recommended to wait at least 10-15 minutes after you have finished your cup of coffee/tea beverage, so the effects of caffeine are decreased, before consuming a supplement. Alternatively, you may consume Pure Cordyceps with warm water first thing in the morning before consuming your coffee/tea 10 - 15 minutes later.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2024-06-17

I am interested in the pure cordycepes and would like to check can 2.5yrs old boy take this? It is stated that we can put in food and beverages. So it is alright to put into cooked food like porridge, soup or rice? Will the benefit be the same? 

Asked by: Lingz
For children between the ages of 3-6 years old, the suggested serving would be 0.5 capsules once daily (for mantainence) or 0.5 capsules twice daily (for stamina). It is recommended to start on the maintenance mode for 2 weeks before increasing the dosage gradually. For young children whom are unreluctant or have difficulty in swallowing capsules, opening the Pure Cordyceps™ capsule and sprinkling its contents over food is a great way to include the supplement into their diet and enjoy its full benefits. The taste of Pure Cordyceps™ powder is pleasant and mildly sweet.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2014-11-12

Hi, can this product result in heatiness in one's body? I have a heaty body constitution & cannot take products which are heaty in nature. Also I have eczema skin problem so cannot let my body be too heaty. Thanks!

Asked by: macross_78
There are no known side effects to consuming Pure Cordyceps™.  Most users will not experience any signs when taking this product for the first time.   However, due to the different body constitution, some users may experience detoxification symptoms initially as Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural modulatory agent. These symptoms may include constant thirst, dizziness, slight headache, constipation, pimples or ulcers, etc.   If you experience detoxification symptoms,  stop using the product for a few days or until symptoms subside. After symptoms subside, you may continue with half the dosage that you have been consuming and gradually increase the dosage.
Answered by: Eu Yan Sang
Date published: 2023-06-07

Hi there, may I know will this type of cordyceps causes or triggered body heatiness? Or its cooling in nature? Thanks!

Asked by: CY2023

Hi there, I would like to clarify if the Cordyceps are cultivated on insects or animal matter, thanks!

Asked by: Anon

Is the discounted national day price available if i purchase it in stores?

Asked by: Vivian

Can i take cordyseps and probiotic together

Asked by: Beyx2

Hi, can I know the different between Pure cordceps 100% Hirsutella Sinensis and Sinensis Mycelia?

Asked by: tktotts

is it 90 x 500 mg capsules or only 30 x 500 mg capsules as advertised?

Asked by: Dave

How much calories do 1 capsule of En Yan Seng Pure Cordyceps contains?

Asked by: kent2612

Hi I'm 34 years old this year. May i ask what is the best time to consume this? Twice daily in the morning with empty stomach? Is it recommended for elderly too? Thanks

Asked by: Joey

What are the diff btw Lingzhi Cracked Spores Powder Capsules and Pure Cordyceps? Which one to go for for maintenance of health for 50 yrs old man?

Asked by: Seeking Help

Hi, may I know when will this product restock?

Asked by: Pei Wen

My son, 3 years old often falls sick. Down with cough, mucus and occasionally fever for no reason. We suspect is sensitive airways. Any products suitable? For example cordyceps? Can he take while he is also having fever and consuming western medicine?

Asked by: Evan

I have a brand new bottle but it says expired in 2022.04.29. Can i still take? Or i must throw? Its a brand new bottle

Asked by: Sunny

Hi, can I still consume this product 5-6 months after stated expiry date? Not sure if it's a use-by date or best-before date.

Asked by: Jing

Can cordyceps be taken before bedtime?

Asked by: Veron

May i know when should i consume the pure cordyceps? after lunch ? before breakfast or anytime?

Asked by: tingfong

Can pure cordyceps mix with milk? My kid is 7yo and usually will drink milk in morning.

Asked by: Sach888
  • y_2025, m_2, d_17, h_9CST
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余仁生纯冬虫夏草™含有与天然冬虫夏草基因相似度达 99.645% 的中华被毛孢。


5 ways to power up your immune system

Here are 5 ways to manage stress, improve your appetite and get better sleep.

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