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灵芝 (Lingzhi) 是一种增强免疫力的中草药,中医的各种疗法都使用它。余仁生灵芝破壁孢子粉胶囊加效 (60 粒胶囊) 可改善呼吸系统功能并增强身体对疾病的抵抗力。含有100%的纯灵芝破壁孢子粉配方, 它有助于增强免疫系统,减少疲劳,促进血液循环,增强消化系统和保持活力。
灵芝孢子粉是灵芝成熟时释放的粉状物质,是灵芝精华的结晶。一年中只有十天是灵芝孢子的释放期,因此非常珍贵。其疗效更高出灵芝本身数十倍。破壁灵芝孢子粉所含的有效成份相比未破壁灵芝孢子粉,能让人体更容易的充分吸收。 孢子的取得方法: 顶级灵芝孢子很难取得,因为灵芝孢子一年中的产期只有 10 天。为解决此问题,余仁生使用来自养殖基地的顶级灵芝。 在这些养殖基地,我们以天然原木为基质,并搭配最佳的气候条件、适宜雨量和零污染的环境,养殖出最优质的灵芝。 达到成熟期的灵芝,蕈褶会开始释放粉状的种子,为期十天。
全破壁灵芝孢子粉 - 240毫克
高倍浓缩灵芝实体提取物 - 60毫克
保健用途: 每日1 - 2 次, 每次 1 - 2粒。 治疗用途: 每日2 - 3 次, 每次 3 - 4粒。
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi or Ling-zhi), a popular medicinal mushroom, is regarded by the Chinese as “mushroom of immortality”. It is believed that regular consumption of Ganoderma lucidum in the form of tea or mushroom powder can preserve the human vitality and promote longevity1. Scientific investigations have been conducted to show its anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and immuno-modulating effects. Its bioactive components comprise of triterpenes, polysaccharides and immune-modulatory proteins.
Pharmacological functions:
Anti-cancer function
Hypoglycemic function
Cardiovascular function
1. Shiao MS, Lee KR, Lin LJ, Wang CT. Natural products and biological activities of the Chinese medical fungus, Ganoderma lucidum. In: Ho CT, Osawa T, Huang MT, Rosen RT, editors. Food phytochemicalsfor cancer prevention. II. Teas, spices, and herbs. Washington,DC: American Chemical Society; 1994. p. 342–54. 2. Wang YY, Khoo KH, Chen ST, Lin CC, Wong CH, Lin CH. Studies on the Immuno-modulating and anti-tumor activities of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) Polysaccharides: Functional and Proteomic Analyses of a Fucose-Containing Glycoprotein Fraction Responsible for the Activities. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem 2002, 10:1057-1062. 3. Gao Y, S. Zhou, Jiang W, Huang and X. Dai, Effects of ganopoly (a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract) on the immune functions in advanced-stage cancer patients. Immunol. Invest 2003, 32(3): 201-215. 4. Zhang HN, Lin ZB. Hypoglycemic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2004, 25 (2): 191-195 5. Shao BM, Dai H, Xu W, Lin ZB, Gao XM. Immune receptors for polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2004, 323:133-141 6. Liu J, Kurashiki K, Shimizu K, Kondo R. Structure-activity relationship for inhibition of 5alpha-reductase by triterpenoids isolated from Ganoderma lucidum. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2006, 14 (24): 8654–60.
Lingzhi remains among the most widely-researched, respected and used TCM herbal remedies – and for good reason